"Indescribable Avalon"
by Various Artists - "Worship Together" SeriesAlbum: Worship Together: Favorites: 15 Of Today?s Most Po
From the highest of heights to the depths of th-e s-ea
Creation's revealing Your m-ajest-y o-h Lord
From the colors of fall to the fragrance of spr-ing
Every creature unique in the song that it s-ings
All exclaiming
You placed the stars in the sky and You know them by n-ame
You are amazing G-od
O-oh, all powerful
Awestruck we fall to our knees as we humbly procl-aim
You are amazing G-od
Who has told every lightning bolt where it should g-o
Or seen heavenly storehouses laden with sn-ow
Who imagined the sun, and gives source to its l-ight
Yet conceals it to bring us the coolness of n-ight
None can fathom
You imagined the sun and gave source to its l-ight
Yet conceal it to bring us the coolness of n-ight
You placed the stars in the sky and You know them by n-ame
You are amazing G-od
(Lord You're am-az-ing)
You see the depths of my heart, and You love me the s-ame
You are amazing G-od
(You are amaz-ing)
You're amazing G-od

Worship Together: Favorites: 15 Of Today?s Most Po
Artist: Various Artists - "Worship Together" Series- All Over The World Tree63
- Cry Out To Jesus Third Day
- How Great Is Our God Chris Tomlin
- Wholly Yours David Crowder Band
- Ready For You Kutless
- You Never Let Go Matt Redman
- Yes You Have Leeland
- Empty Me Jeremy Camp
- Holy Is The Lord Bethany Dillon
- How Deep The Father s Love For Us Nichole Nordeman
- Everlasting God Brenton Brown
- Forever Rebecca St James
- Happy Day Tim Hughes
- Join The Song Vicky Beeching
- Indescribable Avalon