"Join The Song Vicky Beeching"
by Various Artists - "Worship Together" SeriesAlbum: Worship Together: Favorites: 15 Of Today?s Most Po
(Da-da da da, da-da da)
One day every voice will s-ing
Every beggar prince and king
Every nation tongue and tribe
Every ocean in between will cry
W-ill cr-y
Praise God from Whom all blessings flow
Praise Him all creatures here below
To Him all the glory belongs
Praise Him above you heavenly hosts
Praise Father Son and Holy Ghost
Let all the Earth sing along
Come join the s-ong
(Da-da da da, da-da da)
(Da-da da da, da-da da)
Gathered round the throne ab-ove
We'll be swept up in the melod-y
Hearts will overflow with l-ove
We'll be singin' out a symphony
We'll s-ing
The song that fills eternity
Sung throughout all history
As angels shout and kings lay down their crowns
We bow d-own
Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Praise Him all creatures here below
Praise Him above you heavenly hosts
Praise Father Son and Holy Gh-ost
Come join the s-ong
Sing along
Come join the s-ong
Come join the s-ong

Worship Together: Favorites: 15 Of Today?s Most Po
Artist: Various Artists - "Worship Together" Series- All Over The World Tree63
- Cry Out To Jesus Third Day
- How Great Is Our God Chris Tomlin
- Wholly Yours David Crowder Band
- Ready For You Kutless
- You Never Let Go Matt Redman
- Yes You Have Leeland
- Empty Me Jeremy Camp
- Holy Is The Lord Bethany Dillon
- How Deep The Father s Love For Us Nichole Nordeman
- Everlasting God Brenton Brown
- Forever Rebecca St James
- Happy Day Tim Hughes
- Join The Song Vicky Beeching
- Indescribable Avalon