"Lost In Wonder Martyn Layzell"
by Various Artists - "Worship Together" SeriesAlbum: Worship Together: Here I Am To Worship 2 (Disc 2)
You chose the cross, with every breath
The perfect life, the perfect death
You chose the cross
A crown of thorns, You wore for us
And crowned us with, eternal life
You chose the cross
And though Your soul was overwhelmed with pain
Obedient to death You ov-erc-ame
I'm lost in w-onder
I'm lost i-n l-ove
I'm lost in pr-aise for, everm-ore
Because of J-esus', unfailing l-ove
I am forg-iven
I am rest-ored
You loosed the chords, of sinfulness
And broke the chains, of my disgrace
You chose the cross
Up from the grave, victorious
You rose again, so glorious
You chose the cross
The sorrow that surrounded You was m-ine
Yet not my will but Yours be done Y-ou cr-ied
And though Your soul was overwhelmed with pain
Obedient to death You ov-erc-ame
The sorrow that surrounded You was m-ine
Yet not my will but Yours be done You cr-ied
Because of J-esus
Because of J-esus
Because of J-esus
I am rest-ored
Because of J-esus
Because of J-esus
I am rest-ored
I'm forgiv-en
I'm lost in wond-er
Love and pr-aise
I'm lost in wash-ing, all m-y d-ays
He came forev-er
Lord and Sav-ior
All m-y d-ays
Because of Jes-us
Oh You died for me
You rose for me
Thank You Jes-us
I adore Y-ou

Worship Together: Here I Am To Worship 2 (Disc 2)
Artist: Various Artists - "Worship Together" Series- Here I Am To Worship Philips Craig and Dean
- Rain Down Delirious
- Sing To The King Live Passion Band
- As I Lift You Up Jeff Deyo
- Take My Life Live Chris Tomlin
- Living Hallelujah Sarah Kelly
- Salvation Charlie Hall
- Glory Johnny Parks
- We Bow Down Twila Paris
- Lost In Wonder Martyn Layzell
- Facedown Matt Redman
- Consuming Fire Tim Hughes