"Sing To The King Live Passion Band"
by Various Artists - "Worship Together" SeriesAlbum: Worship Together: Here I Am To Worship 2 (Disc 2)
S-ing to, the K-ing who, is c-oming to reign
Gl-ory, to J-esus, the Lamb that was slain
L-ife and, salv-ation, His E-mpire shall bring
And joy to, the nations, when J-esus is King
(Sing that again, sing to the King)
(Repeat verse)
(Come, let us sing a song)
C-ome let us sing a song
A s-ong declaring that we belong to Jesus
Oh and He is all we n-eed y-eah yeah
Oh l-ift up a heart of praise
S-ing now with voices raised to Jesus
Sing to the King yeah yeah yeah yeah
(Sing this out)
F-or His, ret-urning, we watch and we pr-ay
Oh w-e will, be ready, the d-awn of that day
We'll join, in singing, with all the red-eemed
'Cause Satan, is vanquished, and J-esus is King
(Lift Him up, come let us sing)
C-ome let us sing a song
A s-ong declaring that we belong, to Jesus
(You are all)
Oh He is all we n-eed yeah oh oh
And l-ift up a heart of praise
S-ing now with voices raised to J-esus
Oh, sing to the King
And for His, ret-urning, we w-atch and we pray
(We'll be ready)
We will, be ready, the dawn of that day
(We're gonna sing)
We'll join, in s-inging, with all the red-eemed
'Cause Satan, is vanquished, and our Jesus, is K-ing
Oh yeah
C-ome let us sing a song
A s-ong declaring that we belong, to J-esus
(You are everything)
He is all we n-eed yeah yeah yeah yeah
And l-ift up a heart of pr-aise
S-ing now with voices raised to Jesus
O-oh, oh sing to the K-ing
(Sing to the King yeah)
And c-ome let us sing a (lift it up)
You are all we need God
And He is all we n-eed
Oh Lord yeah
Lift, up a heart of pr-aise
S-ing now with voices r-aised to J-esus
Sing to the King
Oh just sing to the K-ing
Sing to the K-ing yeah yeah

Worship Together: Here I Am To Worship 2 (Disc 2)
Artist: Various Artists - "Worship Together" Series- Here I Am To Worship Philips Craig and Dean
- Rain Down Delirious
- Sing To The King Live Passion Band
- As I Lift You Up Jeff Deyo
- Take My Life Live Chris Tomlin
- Living Hallelujah Sarah Kelly
- Salvation Charlie Hall
- Glory Johnny Parks
- We Bow Down Twila Paris
- Lost In Wonder Martyn Layzell
- Facedown Matt Redman
- Consuming Fire Tim Hughes