H-ey hey h-ey hey h-ey hey
O-h yeah
(We have come before You)
(We bow our heads before You)
(We will lift our hands up to You)
(We give our lives to You)
W-e have come, before You bow our heads to You and
W-e will lift, our hands to You our lives to You and
W-e have come, before You bow our heads to You and
W-e will lift, our hands to You our lives to You
Oh L-ord, our G-od
Forever we will s-ing
Y-ou are worthy
Of a-ll our praises
So now we come
To w-orship You
(We have come before You)
(We give our lives to You)
O-h (o-h)
Oh my Lord
(We have come before You)
(We bow our heads before You)
(We will lift our hands up to You)
(We give our lives to You)
W-e have come, before You give our hearts to You and
W-e will lift, our songs to You our praise to You and
W-e have come, before You give our hearts to You and
W-e will lift, our songs to You our praise to You
Oh L-ord, our G-od
Forever we shall s-ing
Oh L-ord
(We have come before You)
(We bow our heads before You)
(We will lift our hands up to You)
(We give our lives to You)
Yeah yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeah
Y-ou are worthy
Of a-ll our praises
So now we come
To w-orship You
You are L-ord
(We have come before You)
H-ey yeah h-ey yeah

Sonic Praise 2: Worship For Life
Artist: Various Artists- Savior My Savior David Gallagher
- Savior, My Savior
- Dance Dance Dance Mandisa Hundley
- Dance, Dance, Dance
- Breathing Life Terry White
- Breathing Life
- Not The Same Michelle Swift
- Not The Same
- Revive Us Marcia Ware Terry White
- Revive Us
- El Shaddai Felicia Sorensen
- El Shaddai
- So Now We Come Carrie Hodge
- So Now We Come
- God Of Wonders Terry White
- God Of Wonders
- Breathe Your Name Felicia Sorensen
- Breathe Your Name
- Love Me Like You Do Marcia Ware
- Love Me Like You Do
- Reborn Rachel Beasley
- Reborn
- You Lift Me Up Angela Cruz
- You Lift Me Up