You lift me up
Climbin' on a cloud
Dancing on a daydream
I don't have a doubt
Just how good this life can b-e
You lift me u-p
Runnin' in the rain
Singin' in the sunshine
Telling all the world
Why I'm so in love with l-ife
You lift me u-p
You lift me up
I'm touching the blue sky
You lift me up
I'm on top of the w-orld
You lift me up
I'm feelin' closer to h-eaven
In every little thing I love
You lift me u-p
You lift me up
Headed for the stars
Ridin' on a moonbeam
Taking me so far
Farther than I've ever b-een
You lift me u-p
(You lift me u-p)
(It's so crystal clear)
(I'm in l-ove)
(All I ever want)
(All I ever need is right h-ere)
La-da-da-da de-da
La-da-da-da do-do
I'm touching the blue sky
I'm on top of the world
I'm feeling closer to heaven
In every little thing I, l-ove
(You lift me up)
(You lift me up)
I'm on top of the world
(You lift me up)
I'm feelin' closer to h-eaven
In every little thing I love
You lift me u-p
(You lift me up)
I'm on top of the world
(You lift me up)
I'm feeling closer to h-eaven
In every thing I love
You lift me u-p
(La-da-da-da de-do)
(La-da-da-da do-do)
I'm on top of the world
(La-da-da-da de-do)
(La-da-da-da do-do)
I'm feeling closer to h-eaven
In every little thing I love
You lift me u-p
(La-da-da-da de-da)
(La-da-da-da do-do)
You lift me up
(You lift me up)

Sonic Praise 2: Worship For Life
Artist: Various Artists- Savior My Savior David Gallagher
- Savior, My Savior
- Dance Dance Dance Mandisa Hundley
- Dance, Dance, Dance
- Breathing Life Terry White
- Breathing Life
- Not The Same Michelle Swift
- Not The Same
- Revive Us Marcia Ware Terry White
- Revive Us
- El Shaddai Felicia Sorensen
- El Shaddai
- So Now We Come Carrie Hodge
- So Now We Come
- God Of Wonders Terry White
- God Of Wonders
- Breathe Your Name Felicia Sorensen
- Breathe Your Name
- Love Me Like You Do Marcia Ware
- Love Me Like You Do
- Reborn Rachel Beasley
- Reborn
- You Lift Me Up Angela Cruz
- You Lift Me Up