Song Lyrics Title Index
20 Tongues
run your mouth brothers, sisters watch your back knives are coming down from the...
by Embodyment | Embrace The Eternal
run your mouth brothers, sisters watch your back knives are coming down from the...
by Embodyment | Embrace The Eternal
20 Years Gone
Who's the love...the love song, Who's the love song to' Is it her, or is it you' I...
by Michael Roe | Say Your Prayers
Who's the love...the love song, Who's the love song to' Is it her, or is it you' I...
by Michael Roe | Say Your Prayers
20 Years In The Making
If only my hear spoke, the things it would tell me To hold onto meaning, keep on...
by Element 101 | Stereo Girl
If only my hear spoke, the things it would tell me To hold onto meaning, keep on...
by Element 101 | Stereo Girl