Song Lyrics Title Index
Zero Hour
Walking against the wind, Pushing the endless road, Where will we lay our...
by East West | Hope In Anguish
Walking against the wind, Pushing the endless road, Where will we lay our...
by East West | Hope In Anguish
Zero Minus One
Escaping gravity, approaching futures to come, (a new horizon calling) Leaving worlds...
by Servant | Light Maueuvers
Escaping gravity, approaching futures to come, (a new horizon calling) Leaving worlds...
by Servant | Light Maueuvers
Zero Nine Three Zero
you don't know me so shut up your words build my walls and they seem so big as they...
by Society's Finest | Private Conflicts And Suicides
you don't know me so shut up your words build my walls and they seem so big as they...
by Society's Finest | Private Conflicts And Suicides