Here I am a criminal hanging right beside Jesus.
Hearing all the railing and disbelief that He is the Christ
I know that this condemnation is the due reward for all I've done
But this man Jesus is innocent He's done no one wrong
So I turn to Jesus and ask Him a simple question from my heart,
'Lord, remember me when you come into your kingdom.'
He says: 'I tell you the truth today (I'll tell you right now)
You will be with me in Paradise! I'll prepare a place for you'
If I ask my Father in Heaven for some bread
Will He refuse and give me a stone'
Or if I ask for the Bread of Life to abide in me
Will He then leave me alone'
Though I'm facing the end I confess that Jesus is the Lord
And with my heart I believe and I am justified.
He says: 'I tell you the truth today, I'll tell you right now
You will be with me in Paradise! I'll prepare a place for you'
I will grant you to eat of the Tree of Life, in God's Paradise
Where a river of the water of life flows from the Lamb and God's Throne
And a comma does not speak the truth, the Lord does
As of this day I'll be with Him in His kingdom
He says: 'I tell you the truth today, I'll tell you right now
You will be with me in Paradise! I'll prepare a place for you'
I will grant you to eat of the Tree of Life, in God's Paradise
Where a river of the water of life flows from the Lamb and God's Throne