Live by faith
Don't worry 'bout your life
What you will eat or drink
Or about what you will wear
Look at the birds in the air
They do not sow or reap
Or store away in barns
Yet your Heavenly Father feeds them
Are you not more valuable then they
Who of you by worrying can add one more day
Live by faith
And not by sight
All things will work out for your good
Cuz the Father knows your needs
And he will meet them
When you trust Him
So trust God!
Don't you see
The lilies of the field
They do not labor or spin
Yet they grow so beautiful
So if your life has a hole
You're filling with worldly things
Clear it out, let Jesus in
If God takes care of grass and flowers
Will he not show his endless power to you
Oh you of little faith
Just believe and be saved
Live by faith
And not by sight
All things will work out for your good
Cuz the Father knows your needs
And he will meet them
When you trust Him
Seek first the kingdom of God
And all these things will be given to you
Do not worry about tomorrow
For all things are possible with God
If you lose father or mother, sister or brother
For Jesus sake don't worry
Cuz you are taking up your cross
Live by faith
And not by sight
All things will work out for your good
Cuz the Father knows your needs
And he will meet them
When you trust Him
Seek first the kingdom of God
And all these things will be given to you
Do not worry about tomorrow
For all things are possible with God
All things are possible
With God