We've all have fallen short of the glory of the Father
We're not just imperfect, we're all wretched sinners
Our righteous acts are like filthy rags,
No one is righteous not even one, all have turned away
We were dead in our sins
We lived in the passions and desires of our flesh, vessels of wrath
Prepared for destruction, but God being rich in compassion
Because of the great love that he had for us
He made us alive together with Christ
We are saved by grace
There's nothing we can do
To earn a free gift of God to all who believe
We are saved by grace
Through faith not by works so no one may boast
Except in the cross of our Lord Jesus
We're not justified by works of the law
But we are justified freely by God's grace
Through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus
So believe in the Lord and you will be saved
We are saved by grace
There's nothing we can do
To earn a free gift of God to all who believe
We are saved by grace
Through faith not by works so no one may boast
Except in the cross
I used to work for my salvation
The wages I received were my due and not a gift,
Now I rest in Christ from my works
And believe and rely completely on His
If by grace we are saved then it's not of works
Or grace would not be grace anymore
And if we're saved by works there is no grace
It's one or the other, God be praised!
We are saved by grace
There's nothing we can do
To earn a free gift of God to all who believe
We are saved by grace
Through faith not by works so no one may boast
Except in the cross of our Lord Jesus
Our Lord Jesus