I Thirst, Thou Wounded Lamb Of God
1 I THIRST, thou wounded Lamb of God,
To wash me in thy cleansing blood,
To dwell within thy wounds; then pain
Is sweet, and life or death is gain.
2 Take my poor heart, and let it be
For ever closed to all but thee!
Seal thou my breast, and let me we;
That pledge of love for ever there!
3 How blest are they who still abide
Close sheltered in thy bleeding side,
Who life and strength from thence derive,
And by thee move, and in thee live.
4 What are our works but sin and death,
Till thou thy quickening Spirit breathe!
Thou giv'st the power thy grace to move;
O wondrous grace! O boundless love!
5 How can it be, thou heavenly King,
That thou shouldst us to glory bring'
Make slaves the partners of thy throne,
Decked with a never-fading crown'
6 Hence our hearts melt, our eyes o'erflow,
Our words are lost; nor will we know,
Nor will we think of aught beside,
"My Lord, my Love is crucified."
7 Ah, Lord! enlarge our scanty thought,
To know the wonders thou hast wrought;
Unloose our stammering tongues, to tell
Thy love immense, unsearchable.
8 First-born of many brethren thou!
To thee, lo! all our souls we bow:
To thee our hearts and hands we give:
Thine may we die, thine may we live!
![Methodist Hymnal (1876) 1-30 Album Artwork](http://gracelyrics.com/with/image/albums/13068.png)
Methodist Hymnal (1876) 1-30
Artist: Charles Wesley- O For A Thousand Tongues To Sing
- Come Sinners To The Gospel Feast
- All That Pass By To Jesus Draw Near
- Ho Every One That Thirsts Draw Nigh
- Thy Faithfulness Lord Each Moment We Find
- Sinners Turn Why Will Ye Die
- Let The Beasts Their Breath Resign
- What Could Your Redeemer Do
- Sinners Obey The Gospel word Sinners Obey The Gospel word
- Ye Thirsty For God To Jesus Give Ear
- God The Offended God Most High
- Come Ye That Love The Lord
- Happy Soul That Free From Harms
- Happy The Man That Finds The Grace
- Happy The Souls To Jesus Joined
- Happy The Souls That First Believed
- Jesus From Whom All Blessings Flow
- Father Saviour Of Mankind
- Rejoice Evermore With Angels Above
- Weary Souls That Wander Wide
- Ye Simple Souls That Stray
- Behold The Saviour Of Mankind
- Extended On A Cursed Tree
- Saviour If Thy Precious Love
- Stupendous Love Of God Most High
- I Thirst Thou Wounded Lamb Of God
- Saviour The World s And Mine
- Love Divine What Hast Thou Done
- Come Ye Weary Sinners Come
- Where Shall My Wondering Soul Begin