Stupendous Love Of God Most High!
1 STUPENDOUS love of God most high!
He comes to meet us from the sky
In mildest majesty;
Full of unutterable grace,
He calls the weary burdened race,
"Come all for help to me."
2 Tired with the greatness of my way,
>From him I would no longer stray,
But rest in Jesus have;
Weary of sin, from sin would cease,
Weary of mine own righteousness,
And stoop, myself to save.
3 Weary of passions unsubdued,
Weary of vows in vain renewed,
Of forms without the power,
Of prayers, and hopes, complaints, and groans,
My fainting soul in silence owns
I can hold out no more.
4 Beneath this mountain load of grief,
Of guilt and desperate unbelief,
Jesus, thy creature see;
With all my nature's weight oppressed,
I sink, I die for want of rest,
Yet cannot come to thee.
5 Mine utter helplessness I feel;
But thou, who gav'st the feeble will,
The effectual grace supply;
Be thou my strength, my light, my way,
And bid my soul the call obey,
And to thy bosom fly.
6 Fulfil thine own intense desire,
And now into my heart inspire
The power of faith and love;
Then, Saviour, then to thee I come,
And find on earth the life, the home,
The rest of saints above.

Methodist Hymnal (1876) 1-30
Artist: Charles Wesley- O For A Thousand Tongues To Sing
- Come Sinners To The Gospel Feast
- All That Pass By To Jesus Draw Near
- Ho Every One That Thirsts Draw Nigh
- Thy Faithfulness Lord Each Moment We Find
- Sinners Turn Why Will Ye Die
- Let The Beasts Their Breath Resign
- What Could Your Redeemer Do
- Sinners Obey The Gospel word Sinners Obey The Gospel word
- Ye Thirsty For God To Jesus Give Ear
- God The Offended God Most High
- Come Ye That Love The Lord
- Happy Soul That Free From Harms
- Happy The Man That Finds The Grace
- Happy The Souls To Jesus Joined
- Happy The Souls That First Believed
- Jesus From Whom All Blessings Flow
- Father Saviour Of Mankind
- Rejoice Evermore With Angels Above
- Weary Souls That Wander Wide
- Ye Simple Souls That Stray
- Behold The Saviour Of Mankind
- Extended On A Cursed Tree
- Saviour If Thy Precious Love
- Stupendous Love Of God Most High
- I Thirst Thou Wounded Lamb Of God
- Saviour The World s And Mine
- Love Divine What Hast Thou Done
- Come Ye Weary Sinners Come
- Where Shall My Wondering Soul Begin