Jesus, From Whom All Blessings Flow
1 JESUS, from whom all blessings flow,
Great builder of thy church below,
If now thy Spirit moves my breast,
Hear, and fulfil thine own request!
2 The few that truly call thee Lord,
And wait thy sanctifying word,
And thee their utmost Saviour own,
Unite, and perfect them in one.
3 O let them all thy mind express,
Stand forth thy chosen witnesses,
Thy power unto salvation show,
And perfect holiness below!
4 In them let all mankind behold
How Christians lived in days of old,
Mighty their envious foes to move,
A proverb of reproach - and love.
5 From every sinful wrinkle free,
Redeemed from all iniquity,
The fellowship of saints make known;
And, O my God, might I be one!
6 O might my lot be cast with these,
The least of Jesu's witnesses!
O that my Lord would count me meet
To wash his dear disciples' feet!
7 This only thing do I require:
Thou knowest 'tis all my heart's desire
Freely what I receive to give,
The servant of thy church to live;
8 After my lowly Lord to go,
And wait upon thy saints below;
Enjoy the grace to angels given,
And serve the royal heirs of heaven.
9 Lord, if I now thy drawings feel,
And ask according to thy will,
Confirm the prayer, the seal impart,
And speak the answer to my heart.

Methodist Hymnal (1876) 1-30
Artist: Charles Wesley- O For A Thousand Tongues To Sing
- Come Sinners To The Gospel Feast
- All That Pass By To Jesus Draw Near
- Ho Every One That Thirsts Draw Nigh
- Thy Faithfulness Lord Each Moment We Find
- Sinners Turn Why Will Ye Die
- Let The Beasts Their Breath Resign
- What Could Your Redeemer Do
- Sinners Obey The Gospel word Sinners Obey The Gospel word
- Ye Thirsty For God To Jesus Give Ear
- God The Offended God Most High
- Come Ye That Love The Lord
- Happy Soul That Free From Harms
- Happy The Man That Finds The Grace
- Happy The Souls To Jesus Joined
- Happy The Souls That First Believed
- Jesus From Whom All Blessings Flow
- Father Saviour Of Mankind
- Rejoice Evermore With Angels Above
- Weary Souls That Wander Wide
- Ye Simple Souls That Stray
- Behold The Saviour Of Mankind
- Extended On A Cursed Tree
- Saviour If Thy Precious Love
- Stupendous Love Of God Most High
- I Thirst Thou Wounded Lamb Of God
- Saviour The World s And Mine
- Love Divine What Hast Thou Done
- Come Ye Weary Sinners Come
- Where Shall My Wondering Soul Begin