Sinners, Turn, Why Will Ye Die'
1 SINNERS, turn, why will ye die'
God, your Maker, asks you why'
God, who did your being give,
Made you with himself to live -
He the fatal cause demands,
Asks the work of his own hands,
Why, ye thankless creatures, why
Will ye cross his love, and die'
2 Sinners, turn, why will ye die'
God, your Saviour, asks you why'
God, who did your souls retrieve,
Died himself, that ye might live;
Will you let him die in vain'
Crucify your Lord again'
Why, ye ransomed sinners, why
Will you slight his grace, and die'
3 Sinners, turn, why will ye die'
God, the Spirit, asks you why'
He who all your lives hath strove,
Wooed you to embrace his love:
Will you not his grace receive'
Will you still refuse to live'
Why, ye long-sought sinners, why
Will you grieve your God, and die'
4 Dead, already dead within,
Spiritually dead in sin,
Dead to God while here you breathe,
Pant ye after second death'
Will you still in sin remain,
Greedy of eternal pain'
O ye dying sinners, why,
Why will you for ever die'

Methodist Hymnal (1876) 1-30
Artist: Charles Wesley- O For A Thousand Tongues To Sing
- Come Sinners To The Gospel Feast
- All That Pass By To Jesus Draw Near
- Ho Every One That Thirsts Draw Nigh
- Thy Faithfulness Lord Each Moment We Find
- Sinners Turn Why Will Ye Die
- Let The Beasts Their Breath Resign
- What Could Your Redeemer Do
- Sinners Obey The Gospel word Sinners Obey The Gospel word
- Ye Thirsty For God To Jesus Give Ear
- God The Offended God Most High
- Come Ye That Love The Lord
- Happy Soul That Free From Harms
- Happy The Man That Finds The Grace
- Happy The Souls To Jesus Joined
- Happy The Souls That First Believed
- Jesus From Whom All Blessings Flow
- Father Saviour Of Mankind
- Rejoice Evermore With Angels Above
- Weary Souls That Wander Wide
- Ye Simple Souls That Stray
- Behold The Saviour Of Mankind
- Extended On A Cursed Tree
- Saviour If Thy Precious Love
- Stupendous Love Of God Most High
- I Thirst Thou Wounded Lamb Of God
- Saviour The World s And Mine
- Love Divine What Hast Thou Done
- Come Ye Weary Sinners Come
- Where Shall My Wondering Soul Begin