Revelation comes from God the Father through His only Son
To the Holy Spirit who reveals the truth to every follower of
Christ said to receive the Holy Spirit we must pray
And we will be sent this gift before or after we are baptized in His name
The Gift allows us to be one with Jesus and His Father
Giving strength to live the Word of God and comfort when we falter in His
Grace is given freely and the Spirit offers gifts to us like
Wisdom, knowledge, faith and healing, miraculous powers
But above all these we should desire the gift of prophecy
God is pouring out His Spirit on all people
Sons and daughters prophesy and old men dream
Bands of prophets speak the truth
As the Spirit gives them view
And reveal the Word of God so all can see
The way that prophecy comes forth is told us in the word
Two or three together prophesy, and others who have heard assess
The message comes not from one man, but each one takes a turn to
Speak in words taught by the Spirit
Who reminds us of the things we've learned from
Studying the Bible, we must verify and test the word of
Prophecy against the word of God so if it's true then we can
Tell the world the hidden things that God now wants revealed
And give the Church a word of comfort and encouragement
To feel His love
In these last days He has not left us alone
God is pouring out His Spirit on all people
Sons and daughters prophesy and old men dream
Bands of prophets speak the truth
As the Spirit gives them view
And reveal the Word of God so all can see
From hearts that swell with music for the Lord
We speak the word of God in spiritual songs
So we sing of Him among the people
And praise His name among the nations
To build up the body of Christ (We're the family of Christ)
Until all our faith is unified
And we will share in the knowledge of the Son of God
God is pouring out his spirit on all people
Sons and daughters prophesy and old men dream
Prophets speak the truth
Our faith renews and now we see
God is pouring out his spirit on all people
Sons and daughters prophesy and old men dream
A Band of prophets speak the truth
As the Spirit gives them view
And reveals the Word of God so all can see
God has not left us alone
Father lead us all back home
In these last days you will lead us home