I was living separated from Your guidance
I thought that I was living in You
I thought that I felt divine reassurance
But I see now how detached that I was from what's true
If I followed one part of the law then all was bound to me
One fault would sentence me to live away from You
And You knew that I could never live so perfectly
So You sent Jesus to my rescue
And now Your law is written on my heart, upon my heart
Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path
It shines as a guide for me to place myself in Your hands
I know that righteousness is shown by faith in You
We are not justified by works of the law
And now I obey Your Word with my love anew
And You forgive all my sins and wrongs
And I've found Your life brings endless joy that flows inside of me
Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path
It shines as a guide for me to place myself in Your hands
With every step I take You come closer to me
And when I fall Your arms span the heavens to catch me
Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path
It shines as a guide for me to place myself in Your hands