It was 1989 in California, game three of the World Series,
When suddenly the stadium shook, people started to scream
And a plastic sign fell from above
It crashed in front of me, and I read the words from John 3:16,
But no one seemed to care
They were panicking and along with me trampled over the sign.
The scene stayed in my mind though my life moved on
Until I saw another sign written in the sky. It said:
Jesus is coming are you ready for Him'
And it made me look around at the world I was in
In the paper I read that an earthquake had caused
A tsunami and two hundred thirty thousand deaths
Famine was raging in Ethiopia, and thousands each day died from Malaria
I passed a bum passed out and drunk,
I stumbled upon what he was sleeping on
I picked it up, an unused Bible, a pillow for a fallen man
I started to read about this Jesus I had heard of
And if I believed in Him I would be saved
From all of the calamities that were sure to come
Some were already here, I'd witnessed one
So I said a little prayer and accepted God's Son into my life
And the Bible as His Word, I read
There will be wars
(But He said not to let that trouble me)
(I trust in Him I know that all this must be)
Earthquakes in diverse places
(Until He comes in great power and glory)
False christs and prophets
(Jesus is my Christ and Prophet, I'm ready, Is this the end')
For nation will rise against nation and kingdom to kingdom,
There will be famines and draughts and diseases
Tornados, volcanoes, tidal waves and hurricanes,
Like the earth itself is experiencing birth pains
Before the earth gives birth to the second coming of our
Lord and Savior the earth's Creator
It will quake and shake and the whole face of the earth will change,
Mountains will be made low and the valleys high
Israel became it's own nation back in 1948 and Jesus said
This generation will not pass away until all this takes place,
And God said that's a hundred twenty years
Israel is surrounded by it's enemies,
All of this is fulfilled in Bible prophecies
Wonders in heaven and earth will be shown to us,
But still many won't believe
The sun will be darkened
(But He said not to let that trouble me)
And the moon will turn to blood
(I trust in Him I know that all this must be)
The stars will fall from heaven
(Until He comes in great power and glory)
The powers of heaven will be shaken
(I'll look for your signs, I'm ready, is this the end')
No one knows when He'll come, only the Father knows,
Not even angels in heaven nor the Son
Therefore stay awake, for you do not know on what day
Your Lord is coming, stay awake!
I wanna stay awake and not be led astray
By the flattering words and great signs and wonders of the
False prophets and false christs that have arrived among us today
I was walking down the street and I met some messengers
From the 'Only True and Living Church' in ties and white shirts
They said twelve apostles and a prophet lived today,
But I knew what the Bible said
So I rejected it cause I knew that believing in Christ
Was also believing in all His Word and living it
The fruit of true faith is good works, no other way to put it,
And helps us endure the end
There will be wars
(The sun will be darkened)
(The moon will turn to blood)
Earthquakes in diverse places
(The stars will fall from heaven)
False christs and prophets
(The powers of heaven will be shaken)
False christs and prophets
(Jesus is my Christ and Prophet, I'm ready, Is this the end')
As I walked away I saw another person, right in front of me,
Mock a piece of paper he had just received
From a Christian minister upon the street
I lifted it up and uncrumpled it, my eyes filled up with tears
And I looked to the Heavens and reflected back,
One score before now I've read it once more
For God so loved the world that He gave up the life of His only Son,
That whoever would Just believe in Him would not perish
But have everlasting life
I smiled to myself because I knew believing meant so much more
Than just saying it but living it and
Seeing all the signs and praying to God to make the days short,
He placed the Son's Law on my heart