The evil man, hanging on that tree
Mocking Christ on Calvary
The evil man what good is he'
May I hate him' Show him no mercy'
Speak evil of no one and show love towards all,
For we nce did not know Christ disobeyed His law
The Evil Man must I pray for him at supper'
Or treat him like he's another brother'
The Evil Man does he have some hope'
Is he like Darth Vader can he cope with change'
'Cause the evil man he once was me
Once was everybody
Beside the One who died on the tree was a
Sinner who said Lord, Save me!
He feared God and Confessed his sin
He called on Jesus to remember him
This beggar, he now is saved
Believing in Christ he'll never be the same
That day, salvation came!
Once we have faith that Jesus saves
Then we confess with our mouths we believe in His name,
The evil man he fades away
We become the Potter's clay
Born again renewed this day
Filled with the Holy Spirit we say:
'Jesus offered himself as the sacrifice for sins once and for all'
So praise goes to Him!
Bearing the cross and taking the blame
Saving the Lost and suffer'in pain'
And I had a dream of a double cross
One place for Jesus and one for all who
Bear their own cross and despise its shame
Seek out the lost, gladly suffer pain
For we are heirs with Christ the Lord,
If we suffer with the King as His disciples
We'll be glorified with Christ
Abba, Father! We are Children!
And we will be conformed to the image of your Son!
To the image of Christ!