Take, eat, this is my body
Drink, all of you, this is my blood
As the manna fell from heaven
The Word came down, the bread of life
And in the flesh he dwelt among us
Made lower than the angels for a time
And as a man needs bread to live
It isn't all that he should eat
For every word that comes from God
Is food our spirit needs
Take, eat, this is my body
The Word of God made flesh for you.
Read my words, think of the meaning
Feast on the Word, it is truth
When Moses led the people out
And through a wilderness of sin
He struck a rock when there was doubt
And water poured out from within
And as they drank there in the desert
So we should seek the rock of Christ
And from His grace we'll drink forever
The gift of everlasting life
Drink, all of you, this is my blood
The new covenant offered up for your sins
Have faith, believe in my promise
And never be thirsty again
Give us this day our daily bread
The Word of God to fill our souls
And we'll forgive our debtors
For you have made us whole
Eat, feast on the Word that is given
Drink, have faith in my saving grace
Commune with me, remember me always
And enter the holy place
Won't you come and eat'
Have a drink and never thirst again
Become one with me this day